Interface MasterUriProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
StaticMasterUriProvider, SwitchableMasterUriProvider

public interface MasterUriProvider

Provides URLs for a ROS master.

Method Summary getMasterUri()
          Get a master URI. getMasterUri(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
          Get a master URI within a given amount of time.

Method Detail

getMasterUri getMasterUri()
                          throws RosRuntimeException
Get a master URI.

There is no guarantee that calling this class twice will provide the same URI.

This call may or may not block until a URI is available.

a master URI
RosRuntimeException - this exception may or may not be thrown if there is no master URI available

getMasterUri getMasterUri(long timeout,
                          java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
Get a master URI within a given amount of time.

There is no guarantee that calling this class twice will provide the same URI.

This call may or may not block until a URI is available.

timeout - the amount of time to wait for a URI
unit - the time unit for the wait time
a master URI or null if none could be obtained within the timeout