rosjava_core 0.0.0-SNAPSHOT documentation

Installing rosjava_core

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Installing rosjava_core

These instructions assume that you have already installed ROS on your system. See ROS/Installation if you need help installing ROS.

These instructions also assume you are using Ubuntu. However, the differences between platforms should be minimal.

The recommend installation procedure is to use rosws. See the rosws documentation for more information if you find the following quick start instructions to be insufficient.

sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall
mkdir ~/my_workspace
cd ~/my_workspace
rosws init
rosws merge /opt/ros/groovy/.rosinstall
rosws set --git --version=groovy-devel rosjava_core 'git://'
rosws update
source setup.bash


You should source the correct setup script for your shell (e.g. setup.bash for Bash or setup.zsh for Z shell).

If you would like to build the rosjava_core documentation, you will also need Pygments 1.5+ and Sphinx 1.1.3+.

sudo pip install --upgrade sphinx Pygments

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