rosjava_core 0.0.0-SNAPSHOT documentation


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While rosjava is mostly feature complete, it is currently under active development. Consider all APIs and documentation to be volatile.

Javadoc is used extensively and cross referenced from this documentation.

Android friendly

One of the primary goals of rosjava is to bring ROS to Android. See the android_core Getting started documentation for more information.


Because ROS is heavily dependent on network communication, rosjava is asynchronous. No attempt is made to hide asynchronous behavior behind a synchronous API. As a result, the rosjava APIs may feel unfamiliar.

More threads, fewer processes

You will not find a spin() method in rosjav in rosjava. Unlike other client libraries, many rosjava nodes can run in a thread pool within a single JVM process. In this way, rosjava nodes are similar to C++ nodlets. In the future, rosjava nodes will support in memory communication in the same way that C++ nodelets do today.

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