Package org.ros.concurrent

Provides utility classes for common concurrent programming operations.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
CancellableLoop An interruptable loop that can be run by an ExecutorService.
DefaultScheduledExecutorService This wraps a Executors.newCachedThreadPool() and a Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(int) to provide the functionality of both in a single ScheduledExecutorService.
Holder<T> A mutable object that may contain a value to another object.
ListenerCollection<T> Manages a collection of listeners and makes it easy to execute a listener callback on the entire collection.
RetryingExecutorService Wraps an ScheduledExecutorService to execute Callables with retries.
SharedScheduledExecutorService A ScheduledExecutorService which cannot be shut down.
WatchdogTimer A WatchdogTimer expects to receive a WatchdogTimer.pulse() at least once every WatchdogTimer.period WatchdogTimer.units.

Package org.ros.concurrent Description

Provides utility classes for common concurrent programming operations.